Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Illegal immigrant campgrounds coming to your town!

Once again thanks to the failure of our Federal Government it is local Town officals who have to clean up the mess. This time it illegal immigrants erecting tent cities in the woods in Suburban communities on Long Island.
Newsday reports on the story. But, even more outragous than the tent city once again exposing the failures of our Federal Government to protect and enforce our borders is the comment from the illegal immigrant advocates who complain (get this) "that the town should have contacted church, social services or other organizations to help relocate them."

NO! The town should have turned them over to Homeland Security and had them deported! Good luck with trying to get the Federal Government to do it's job! Perhaps the next best thing would be take the illegals and drop them off in front of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's home so they can set up camp there and deficate on his lawn! Since he is so keen on providing services for the illegals who have broken our immigration laws. I'm sure he would not mind.

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