Monday, July 17, 2006

The Unholy Alliance!

The Washington Post has an article today about how illegal immigration has changed a the town of Dalton Georgia. Buried in the article is how the businesses who hire the illegal workers and the Catholic church work hand in hand to encourage the situation to continue. The businesses use tax deductible contributions to help the church continue to promote illegal immigration while the Federal Government sticks it's head in the sand. Here is the money quote:
"Even when the raids were going on, Dalton's civic leaders were sending a different message. When Latino parishioners overflowed Dalton's 130-seat St. Joseph's Catholic Church -- even after pews were extended and aisles narrowed -- industry executives helped pay for a new, 600-seat church whose bilingual priest now leads both masses and misas. Parishioner Carl Burkhardt, president of Dalton's No. 3 carpetmaker, Beaulieu of America Inc., gave $1 million while Shaw Industries chief executive Bob Shaw "godfathered" the project, according to Father Daniel Stack, the priest at the time. "He said we were taking care of his workers, so he wanted to help take care of us," Stack said."

Who is taking care of tha middle class taxpayers who are paying increased school and local taxes because of the influx of the illegals into the community.

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