Saturday, July 08, 2006

Ken Lay's Karma.

One of the news stories this week was the death of Kenneth Lay the founder and CEO of ENRON. He was a crony of George Bush who called him "Kenny boy" when he was governor of Texas and was also in behind the scenes as part of Dick Cheney's behind closed door energy policy meetings early in the Bush administration. He should be remembered for exposing the dark side of capitalism with the failure of Enron. When you are heading a corporation that hires people who actually pray that wildfires will burn through transmission lines so that the price of electrcity will skyrocket and your corporation will get a windfall. You know that these people have no ethics whatsever. It was people like Lay who allowed this corporate culture to thrive. Win at any cost! That even including throwing their own employees to the wolves discouraging or denying them the ability to sell their Enron shares while people like Lay made sure they protected their ASSetts!
What killed Ken Lay? Was it the stress of the trail and the possibilty of spending the rest of his life in jail? Too many steaks with his fellow energy cronies in Houston restaurants? Was it God's wrath? Ken Lay said after his trial:

"We believe that God in fact is in control, and indeed he does work all things for good for those who love the Lord,"

If that's the case God must have been pretty pissed with Lay and the manipulations of his corporation of energy prices hurt so many poor people that maybe God sent him straight to Hell! Or maybe in a similar vein that the evil of Lay and those working for him to manipulate events so that they would reap profits while the rest of us paid may have increased his bad Karma to the point where forces just took him away where he could not cause any more damage to the rest of us.

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