Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bush on Immigration. Be careful what you wish for.

The Washington Post reports; "President Bush outlined the latest version of his plan to overhaul the nation's immigration laws Monday, renewing his support for a guest-worker program for those with low skills and issuing a vague call for a resolution of the legal status of the estimated 12 million undocumented workers in the country."
But, the 800 pound Gorilla standing behind Bush at the podium was a report released last week by the the Heritage Foundationon on the fiscal impacts of low skilled workers like most of the illegal immigrants are. In the study, researchers found that low skilled workers, defined as those without a high school diploma, will cost the United States $3.9 trillion over the ten years.
As usual it will be middle class taxpayers who will be opening their wallets to pay these costs.

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