Friday, April 20, 2007

Russell Simmons and other black hypocrites

It's funny to watch as the black hypocrites who helped create the racial firestorm that got the old white guy Don Imus fired. These same blacks are now trying to contain the flames they fanned so that they and their wealthy lifestyle don't get consumed in the fire they lit. The Washington Post had an article where rich black mogul Russel Simmons had a meeting at a Warner Bros executives house. Here are some of the money quotes:
"The meeting, called by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons' Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, was held at the New York home of Lyor Cohen, chairman and chief executive of U.S. music at Warner Music Group. The summit, which lasted several hours"

Alright! Now black leaders like Russell Simmons gonna lead the way. The black community is gonna step up to the plate and show us the the racial lynch mob that went after Don Imus is gonna clean it's own house too and go after lyrics in rap music which more black kids listen to than Don Imus. I can't wait for their statement.

"Organizers billed the gathering as a forum to "discuss issues challenging the industry in the wake of controversy surrounding hip-hop and the First Amendment." Afterward, they planned to hold a news conference at a Manhattan hotel to discuss "initiatives agreed upon at the meeting." But by early afternoon, the news conference was postponed, because the meeting was still going on."

That's ok. We are waiting right here for the statement!
"After the meeting ended, it was unclear whether there would be another one. Simmons' publicist released a short statement that described the topic as a "complex issue that involves gender, race, culture and artistic expression. Everyone assembled today takes this issue very seriously. Although no recommendations emerged, the gathering was significant for its who's-who list of powerful music executives."

WHAT! Looks like more shuck and jive from these hip hop rap moguls who wanna take guys like Don Imus down but, don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden misogynist, racist lyrics that make millions for them. Hypocrites come in all colors including black.

"Meanwhile, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who said he planned to challenge the recording industry on denigrating lyrics, announced he had suspended plans to honor Def Jam's L.A. Reid during this week's convention of his National Action Network in New York. Sharpton was among Imus' most vocal critics and demanded his firing. Several rappers under Reid's label frequently use racial and sexual epithets."

Hmmm, I guess the Imus situation finally opened Sharpton's eyes that the misogyny and racism that he went after Don Imus for actually has roots in the black rap and hip hop music industry. Or did he realize that honoring guys like rap mogul L.A. Reid might make him look like a hypocrite after going after IMUS for his remarks. YA THINK?

Looks like it's time to bring in the hanging judge. Stanley Crouch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Sharpton and Jackson are racial ambulance chasers. You are spot on about the mainstream media going straight to them all the time. I'm glad to see that members of the black community are starting to stand up and shout that Jackson and Sharpton don't speak for them. There are other opinions out there that are starting to be heard. That's a good thing.