Monday, April 09, 2007

Imus and the Jesse Jackson shakedown.

After listening to Jesse Jackson on Lou Dobbs and Hardball. I appears to me that there is more to the flap over Don Imus's insensitive and some would say racist remarks about Rutgers woman's basketball team. Don Imus has apologized several times and has made an out reach to woman involved but, still black media elites like Jesse Jackson appear to be shaking down both MSNBC and CBS to get IMUS fired and be replaced by a black host. It sure looks like there is an agenda going on here by Jackson and other blacks in the media. You don't see the racial media types coming down as hard on the racist and degrading of woman in lyrics of the rap and hip hop music industry like they been have coming down on IMUS.
It seems that not only Don Imus is under attack but, also in a way free speech is under attack. What we need is to have Lenny Bruce come back from the grave with a big can of wup ass. If Imus goes so goes a little bit of freedom for us all. If you don't like IMUS don't listen to him. Just like I would do if MSNBC or CBS replaced him with someone like Jesse Jackson.


Anonymous said...

I'm no Imus fan. I think his comments are crude and insensitive. But then again, EVERYTHING he says in insensitive! When it gets too much, I turn it off.

When Tarsha Nicole Jones ("Miss Jones") of New York's Hot 97 radio station made racist comments regarding Asian victims of the 2005 tsunami, she was given 'slap-on-wrist' of a two week suspension. She’s still on the air. Where was Jesse's outrage then?

Capt. Mike said...

I agree with you. Insensitivity is not only occurs in white broadcasters like Don Imus. As you point out in the Tarsha Niole Jones incident (I was not aware of it. Thanks for poeting) . I also think the media firestorm over Imus's remarks is way over blown and I think there is a political motive going on behind the scenes.


Anonymous said...

Black's, I mean african american's can say anything they want, Sharpton, jackson shabazz and get away with it. They never apologize for their misdeeds. And the empty suits in corporate america and white's in general are wimps, plain and simple.