Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Imus media firestorm: Black hypocrisy and what lies beneath.

The press conference with the Rutgers Woman's basketball team should show Imus and others why what Imus said was wrong, insensitive and inappropriate. These woman athletes should be outraged and it looks like Imus will speak with them privately and apologize personally. That is appropriate. Team Captain Essence Carson had it right when she said:
"Some have pointed out that young women are routinely and unfortunately called "hos" in some rap lyrics. "That doesn't make it any more right for anyone to say it, it doesn't matter if you are African American, Caucasian, Asian, it really doesn't matter," said Rutgers team captain Essence Carson at a news conference yesterday. "All that matters is it's wrong."-Washington Post
I wonder if the black media elites like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Washington Post columnist Eugen Robinson and the National Association of Black Journalists etc... who are so outraged over Imus remarks will take the words of Ms. Carson to heart and go after BET (Black Entertainment Television), MTV and the rap and hip hop recording industry who promote artist and entertainers who compose songs with much more racist lyrics and images. If they don't it will show the hypocrisy of what Bill Maher calls the "manufactured outraged" against Don Imus. Don't hold your breath while you wait for all these same racial ambulance chasers going after Don Imus to go after the rap music industry for their use of even worse words and images. You can almost smell the hypocrisy coming from the positions of these black media elites.

But, why all this overblown "outrage" over the Imus remarks? Underneath all the media firestorm hidden in the remarks of people like Jesse Jackson may lie the real reason for the this media firestorm concerning Don Imus. It is political.
Don Imus usually uses his acerbic humor to go after the powerful that includes going after people from President Bush, Dick Cheney to Hillary Clinton. And there may lie the real reason for the media lynching of Don Imus. Both Sharpton and Jackson are Democratic partisans. Imus has often said that he would not have Hillary Clinton on as a guest on his influential program. Jackson appeared on Lou Dobs on Monday and here is the smoking gun money quote:
"JACKSON: He's not irreverent toward Joe Lieberman. He's not irreverent towards Harold Ford. He irreverent towards those he chooses to call out. But the idea of this pattern, the statements about. And even today he said he didn't want Hillary Clinton on his show. A political statement, you know. It's a very political show."- Jesse Jackson on Lou Dobbs

So that's what this is really all about. Democratic partisans like Jackson and Sharpton among others are going after Don Imus not so much because of his insensitive stupid remarks about the Rutgers Woman's basketball team. But rather being Democratic partisans and long time friends of Hillary and Bill Clinton they are trying to also eliminate or take down someone in the media who has derided Clinton in order to earn some points with the Democratic party and Hilliary Clinton in particular. More to follow....


Anonymous said...

CLINTON, SHARPTON, JACKSON. what do they have in common? THEY SUCK

Capt. Mike said...

The more I look at it there was a political agenda going on here. Sharpton & Jackson were political hit men for Hillary Clinton. Who used a racial issue to knock IMUS off the air. IMUS did not like Clinton and said so on his program many times. Hillary Clinton can't have that happening as she runs for president so she had him wacked off the air.