Thursday, April 05, 2007

Another immigration crisis in the Hamptons?

"Year after year, Dune Management depends on dozens of Dominican and Jamaican housekeeping and laundry workers to get through the summer season in the Hamptons.
But this year, federal officials surprised the company when they denied temporary visas for the workers." -Newsday

Hmmm, President George Bush wants a guest worker program as part of "comprehensive immigration reform" legislation. Then all of a sudden the Department of Labor puts the squeeze on a temporary visa program that has been working for years providing temporary labor for the hotels and resorts of the east end of Long Island. Something smells fishy especially since immigration reform is hot in Washington this year.

Here are the money quotes:
"I have never seen a bigger disaster than the Department of Labor has created this year," said Libby Whitley, president of Mid-Atlantic Solutions, a Virginia-based agency that handles the petitioning process for employers in several states, including New York."

So it looks the Bush administration deliberately created a crisis so that Bush and the pro-illegal amnesty groups including the gang of four and others could push through an immigration plan geared to their interests of businesses and pro-amnesty groups not those of the American people and U.S. border security.

"If we don't get them, I don't know what we would do," said Carolina Swanson, director of human resources for the company, which manages 16 resort and residential properties on the South Fork. "I really don't have a Plan B."

How about this for a plan B. Raise the salary you are offering so that it will be attractive to local citizens, High School and college students. I love it when businesses preach about the law of supply and demand when they raise their prices but, scream when it effects them.

"On Monday at 9 a.m., [Congressman Tim] Bishop and local officials will hold a public meeting with business owners at Gurney's Inn in Montauk to discuss solutions."

This fits in nicely with Congressman Tim Bishop's agenda which is in agreement with President Bush in regards to an amnesty for illegal immigrants already in the country meanwhile he voted against legislation that would have increased security at the borders and cracked down on illegal immigrants already in the country . Funny how quickly Congressman Bishop calls a meeting with business owners on Monday at 9 a.m. But, has ignored the concerns of his constituents for years about the hundreds of illegal immigrants loitering around in middle class communities all over his district on Long Island.

It certainly looks like this "visa crisis" was manufactured by those in Washington from President Bush to Congressman Bishop to give them cover to push through an immigration reform plan that helps businesses that want cheap disposable labor while ignoring the concerns of the middle class taxpayers who will be subsidizing this workforce. They must think we are fools.

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