Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McCain's Mexican advisor

"Sen. John McCain of Arizona pulled out a hard-fought victory over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in Florida's contentious Republican primary Tuesday."-Washington Post

While McCain pulled a rabbit out of the hat again in Florida yesterday . McCain still has some esplaining to do. Not only on the McCain-Kennedy illegal amnesty bill of last year but, as Lonewacko reports about one of his "hispanic outreach" advisors who even has Mexican citizenship and was an advisor to Vincente Fox. And one who said it was ok for illegals to steal the Social Security numbers of American citizens. Here are some more of the money quotes from McCain's "Hispanic outreach advisor":

"I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico first.'"

"We must not only have a free flow of goods and services, but also start working for a free flow of people."

Kiss the United States borders goodbye if McCain is the Republican nominee and he has advisors like Juan Hernadez.
As usual the tough questions of McCain are not being asked by the mainstream media but, rather by citizens. Thank God for You Tube:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ted Kennedy's Great White Hope

When it comes to hypocrites Ted Kennedy is right up there with the best of them. Sometimes it seems establishment pols like Kennedy put their fingers in the wind to see which way the wind is blowing before they make a move. Except of course when it comes to putting wind generators in areas where they might "spoil" the views of the Kennedy's and their wealthy neighbors. Though Ted Kennedy's political judgement and posturing over the years is always good for a few laughs. It seems to me that Kennedy's endorsement of Obama and his message requires that crusty old Washington politicians like Kennedy be thrown out of D.C. ASAP. Here is the money quote:
"He also rebutted their contention that Obama has been inconsistent in his opposition to the war in Iraq and said Obama represents a new era and a rejection of "old politics." -Washington Post
Rejection of the old politics indeed. Just the kind of politics that geezer pols like Ted Kennedy practice everyday. The Kennedy's had better be careful what they wish for. Because when Obama says change in Washington he may really mean it!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Clear as Mudd

In reading the commentary today's Washington Post by Fannie Mae chief Daniel Mudd all I can say is Hola Suckers. His attempt to use this taxpayer backed organization to help banks in the disguise of helping clear the current economic mess is pathetic. But of course it's not what he says it's how he says it. Here are some of the money quotes:

"Fannie Mae is not exempt from the housing cleanup. We have spent three years and billions of dollars repairing our accounting and our governance. We are taking our lumps along with the industry, but are now prepared to be part of the solution."

"Repairing your accounting and governance"? Don't you mean Mr. Mudd: waste fraud and abuse? Or is it just corruption and incompetence? And by the way where did the billions of dollars come from to make these "repairs"?

"New Americans in particular face a tortuous path to homeownership. Over the past 10 years, the Internal Revenue Service has issued more than 8 million tax identification numbers to immigrants. People who pay taxes and reside here legally deserve a chance to own a home. Some lenders use these numbers to verify identity and provide loans; others do not because there is no clear standard. We need one."

Why don't all lenders use tax identification numbers to verify identity Mr. Mudd? Because just about anyone can get a tax payer identification number. Yes, even illegal immigrants! Giving loans out to people like illegal immigrants who already show a proclivity to break U.S. laws is not a good business model as the sub prime debacle has already shown. Your lack of knowledge regarding taxpayer identification and the law does not give me much hope that this sub prime mess will get better soon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Whose the racist?

Looking at the Democratic race in for President in South Carolina.. I was struck by this quote from today's Washington Post:

"The exit polls in South Carolina showed Obama winning a majority of both men and women, and winning most categories of voters. But there were clear racial splits, with African Americans solidly behind Obama and white voters divided among the three candidates. "

Now who exactly are the most racist voters here?

Friday, January 25, 2008

More good news about illegal immigration.

"TUCSON- Politicians from the Mexican state bordering Arizona say they are receiving reports of migrants who are "self-deporting" and landing in border communities because of Arizona's employer sanctions law. The full effect of the law, which calls for punishing Arizona employers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants but hasn't been used yet, is troublesome and unknown for Mexican lawmakers along the border."We have yet to feel the full impact, but the moment (immigrants) leave Arizona, we're going to have problems," said Enrique Flores Lopez, director of the state migrant advocacy department in the state of Sonora. " - Arizonia Republic
I say to these Mexican Officials Mi problemo , Su problemo! To which I add to our U.S. officials what a surprise ! Enforcement works! Please make a note of this.

"Nogales legislator Leticia Amparano, who met with Arizona lawmakers to learn more about the new law and its enforcement, said Mexican lawmakers have collected anecdotes about crowded classrooms and more people roaming the streets of downtown Nogales, Mexico, in search of assistance."

No say it isn't so! That sounds just like some towns like here in suburban Long Island:


Here is the money quote:
Sonora Gov. Eduardo Bours, said Mexico must do more than point a finger at the U.S.He launched the initiative "Migrantes Trabajando" ("Working Migrants") for deported countrymen who want to stay in Sonora. The program is designed to assist all deported workers, not just those from Arizona."We need to find the opportunities in our country," Bours said. "To me, it seems too easy to blame the United States and not do anything ourselves."

At least there is one elected official who knows what needs to be done. Unfortunately it's not Clinton, Obama or McCain it's Mexico's Governor of Sonora Eduardo Bours. But, at least someone is starting to understand the problem and is taking steps to allow the people of Mexico to live and stay in there own country instead of coming here illegally. And that's good news!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What does this mean?

"President Bush and congressional leaders moved closer to agreeing on a compromise economic rescue package yesterday, fending off fresh protests from both the right and the left as they rushed to respond to a cascading series of economic troubles and to head off a potential recession." -Washington Post

I was boarding the Amtrak train at Union Station in Washington yesterday. When I looked up and saw a rainbow in the late afternoon sun. Is it just a coincidence that this rainbow appears after the Federal Reserve lowers the interest rates. Speaking of pots of money at the end of the rainbow. Here is another money quote:
" As markets roiled from a sharp sell-off around the world and the Federal Reserve cut interest rates at home, Bush met with House and Senate leaders to work out a package of tax breaks for consumers and businesses. In an important concession to Democrats, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. signaled that he is open to including breaks even for those who pay little to no income taxes. "
I just hope that the Democrats and Bush mean that they will make sure that this money they want to give to people "who pay little of no income tax" will be Americans and not illegal immigrants who will send this money off to Mexico and other countries instead of it being spent here in the United States for our economy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blood on the floor

"Stock markets around the world plummeted yesterday as a financial crisis that began in the market for U.S. home mortgages spread to almost all corners of the globe."-Washington Post

Welcome to the global economy. The ripples from the Wall Street ponzi scheme known as the sub prime market has turned into a big wave that threatens to clear the beach. I hope that most of us investors survive and those bankers who came up with the idea of giving $650,000 home loans to illegal immigrants making $18,000 dollars per year and other bad risks get swept out to sea and never return.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Forget something mainstream corporate media?

I am reading about the victories of John McCain and Mitt Romney in South Carolina and Nevada in today;s Washington Post. I and others are noticing more and more the lack of any mention of Ron Paul a candidate who pretty consistently garners around 10% of the vote despite the blind eye of the corporate mainstream media to cover him. They do this at their own peril. I am thinking more and more if the Republicans make McCain the nominees and the Dems choose either Clinton or Obama it would be easy for me to pull the lever for an independent like Ron Paul. I'm sure their are others out there too.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Whose country is this again?

"TUCSON- A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora (Mexico)traveled to Tucson to make the case against Arizona's new employer sanctions law,The lawmakers say it will have a devastating affect on the Mexican state. At a news conference Tuesday, they said Sonora cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools it will face as illegal Mexican workers in Arizona return to their hometowns without jobs or money." - Associated Press
You can not make this stuff up. And exactly why are these conditions in Mexico our problem? Why is it that we U.S. citizens have to put up with the housing conditions, crime, subsidize the health care and pay the school taxes for these illegal immigrants? It gets better. Here are some more of the money quotes:

"How can they pass a law like this?" asked Mexican Rep. Leticia Amparano Gamez, who represents Nogales."

Well, I suspect the reason Senorita Gamez is that it is still our country and we can make the laws even if the people from your country do not respect them. Which is the reason why the illegal immigrants should not be shown any respect too. You see there is a still a difference when you cross the border from Mexico.

"What do we do with the repatriated?" he asked. "As Mexicans, we are worried. They are Mexicans but they are also people's fathers and mothers and young people with jobs who won't have work in Sonora."

If you ask me you as elected officials of Mexico should be looking to bring jobs into your area. Another thing you need to remember is that the United States is a Republic not an employment agency for Mexico. Try and rember that.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pelosi's stimulus plan?

While we wait for the outcome of negations for the stimulus plan to help the U.S. economy. Which thanks to the bonehead bankers and mortgage companies who found out that maybe giving out $650,000 mortgages to illegal immigrants who only make $18,000 a year may not be a good business model after all.
We now wait for those other boneheads namely the pols in Washington to come up with their "stimulis plan". Here is one of the money quotes:
"Pelosi and Boehner have both stressed the need for an immediate, targeted infusion of federal funds into the economy, likely in the form of a small tax rebate coupled with some slight investment incentives for small businesses and a modest dose of social welfare spending for the lowest-income families."
My message to Pelosi and the Democrats is that if you are going to increase social welfare spending to the "lowest income families". you had better make DAMN SURE that those families are not in this country illegally.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Renewable energy

I spent most of yesterday cutting down a tree limb on the big oak tree in front of Rancho de BCP. The limb made the tree look a little off balance. But, the real reason I decided to cut it down was it's removal would allow more early morning sun winter sun to come streaming in to the house. Once the I finish cutting the limb up it and it's branches will be used to fuel my Franklin wood stove to further provide heat in the house. A few more dollars in MY pocket and a few less sent to the gas company. And I've got a number of other trees that need trimming too.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More good news about the writers strike.

"LOS ANGELES — The striking Hollywood writers guild likely will bar its members from working on next month's Grammys telecast, a union spokesman said Tuesday."

We are finally getting more good news out of Hollywood. I hope more televised awards shows are affected by the writers strike. The less time people have to be occupied by stupid award shows where the ego driven industries of music and "entertainment" get to pat themselves on the back the better. Like the pro illegal immigrant groups who tried the "day without immigrants" with equal disastrous results I hope the writers are coming to realize that in the REAL world people's lives go on with or without them. Their are real people in America who have more pressing concerns than those of "Desperate Housewives" etc... Meanwhile, Bob puts it all into the proper perspective:

Mitt gets a hit. But, the Dems are not talking

Mitt Romney won the Michigan primary and rightly so after McCain basically told the people of Michigan that the good paying middle class jobs are not coming back and have a nice day. This is one of the reasons why McCain should not be President. Straight talk my ass. Except for Iraq McCain is more like a surrender monkey. Look how easily he wanted to give amnesty to illegals despite the fact that they violated our borders and U.S. laws for years. Of the two I'd go for Romney over McCain any day.

Meanwhile the the Democrats are going into the see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil of other Democrats. Hardball it ain't and they are basically following Republican Ronald Reagan's dictum of not speaking badly of candidates of one's own party. It worked for Reagan will it work for the Dems? Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Erica Jong's crazy talk.

Fear of Flying feminist author Erica Jong seems to have broken into the liquor cart at Huffington Airlines and is now seeing "pink men" as the route of all evil in the world:

"I am so tired of pink men bombing brown children and rationalizing it as fighting terrorism. I am so tired of pink men telling women (of all colors) what to do with their wombs--which connect with their brains--in case you forgot."
You get the idea. See does throw in a token remark about men of other colors:

"And by the way some brown men and tan men and wheaten men do these things too."
No really? You don't say. But, it's the pink men Jong has a problem with.

"Don't tell me about women who kill. I know there are some--but fewer. "
Here Jong puts her hands over her ears and sings la, la, la loudly. As Jong ignores the mother here in D.C. discovered living a house with the decomposing bodies of here four children in the upstairs rooms. They were possessed according to the woman. At least this woman did not blame the pink men as Jong does. Jong also does not want to hear about how woman can be as corrupt as men once they get into positions of power. It's only the pink men who can't be trusted. Yeah, right as this tale of corruption shows. Obviously an intervention is in order. I think Margaret Thatcher, Imelda Marcos and Joan of Arc need to slap some sense into Jong and stop this feminist crazy talk..

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hillarita: Don't cry for me Mexico City!

Well no sooner has Bill Richardson left the stage here comes Hillary Clinton going for the illegal immigrant vote:

I guess someone forgot to tell her that she is running for President of the United States. Where she is supposed to take and oath to preserve protect and defend not only the constitution but, also the borders of the United States. As for Hillary's comment that "No woman is illegal." Hillary meet Elivera Alleano. Before you forge ahead pandering for the illegal immigrant "vote" maybe you ought to speak to some American Latinos like Col. Al Rodriguez and others at You Don't Speak For Me.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bank of America is banking on amnesia.

Bank of America is going to be buying Countrywide Mortgage and it's sub prime loan portfolio. Of course they think they can make money eventually with this deal. The head of Countrywide certainly will. Here is the money quote:"In a written statement yesterday, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Mozilo, "who will be profiting from this transaction personally," should "donate a substantial portion of the $150 million he has collected over the last several years to nonprofits and other institutions that are helping us deal with the problem he helped to create."
I'm sure Bank of America also has it's bases covered too. If things go sour they can just call up their lobbyists in Washington to get the U.S. taxpayers to bail them out. After all Bank of America is one of the banks that give credit cards to illegal immigrants. Now this always sounded like a pretty nutty idea to me since these customers are known to have broken U.S laws already. Yet Bank of America wants them as customers. Here let Bob explain it and see if it makes sense to you:

Friday, January 11, 2008

Goodbye Bill Richardson and good riddence!

It's a good thing to see Bill Richardson leave the Democratic presidential race. As I noted Richardson shot himself in the foot when he called for a pardon for Elvira Arellano an illegal immigrant fugitive hiding in plain sight in a Chicago church. He than proceeded to put his foot in his mouth he said that Alberto Gonzalesw should stay on because he is Hispanic. Is he a racist or just a card carrying LA RAZA member? At least we won't here his lame reason why he against a secure border fence. His ludicrous position was that if a ten foot border fence is built the illegals will use an eleven foot ladder. At least we won't have to point out to Richardson with a defeatist attitude like that so will the terrorists.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


FORWARD OPERATING BASE NORMANDY, Iraq, Jan. 10 -- The explosion of a booby-trapped house killed six American soldiers on Wednesday during an offensive against Sunni insurgents in Diyala province, making it the deadliest day for U.S. troops in Iraq since November

A new survey estimates that 151,000 Iraqis died from violence in the three years following the U.S.-led invasion of the country. Roughly 9 out of 10 of those deaths were a consequence of U.S. military operations, insurgent attacks and sectarian warfare.

BAGHDAD-(AP) -- U.S. bombers and jet fighters unleashed 40,000 pounds of explosives during a 10-minute airstrike Thursday, flattening what the military called al-Qaida in Iraq safe havens on the southern outskirts of the capital.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Mainstream media gets it wrong. Again!

Howard Kurtz in today's Washington Post has a look at how the mainstream press is got it wrong in new Hampshire. Mu take is that the mainstream media and the campaigns still do not realize that they are losing control of the rudder of the political ship. Bloggers have taken over the engine room. While the pundents continue to talk among themselves and reinforce their own views. That's why they are getting it wrong more and more.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Is McCain riding the B.S. express to victory in New Hampshire?.

John McCain may be on a roll in New Hampshire but, not because of his "straight talk express". I was watching "highlights" of the Republican debate in New Hampshire. Although he tried Mitt Romney did not quite smack down John McCain on the immigration amnesty bill that McCain helped cook up last summer behind closed doors. But, it's not all Romney's fault because he and many others keep getting got the facts wrong thanks to the mainstream media where the Romney campaign are probably getting their debate points. Perhaps they should turn to the blogosphere where those of us who were following the issue pointed out how bad the immigration bill McCain supported really was. For example Romney tried to point out that the illegals would pay only %5,000 in fines if the the bill which McCain supported passed. WRONG! It was much worse than that! As I and others pointed out last year:
"The illegal immigrants under the Senate Amnesty Bill ONLY HAS TO PAY A FINE OF $1,000 to become legal to work indefinitely in the United States under the Senate amnesty bill. They ONLY have to pay the additional $4,000 IF the want to become a U.S. citizen."
If Romney had had his facts straight he could have put McCain away by attacking his Achilles heal which is his support for last years illegal immigrant bill. But, as I said it is not all Romney's fault. Even the mainstream media outlets like Time and the New York Times got the information wrong.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Something was missing from the Democratic debate

"And so let me introduce them from left to right. We have with us former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Senator Hillary Clinton from New York."

There was something missing from the ABC NEWS Democratic debate last night. Namely two presidential candidates Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich. One thing that was not missing is the feeling that the fix is in on who the mainstream media thinks should be be the candidates and that should be a concern of everyone who votes in this country. Mike Gravel I think sums up the situation pretty good:

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Texasses of the year: The Dallas Morning News

Another mainstream media outlet plays the sympathy card on illegal immigration. The editorial board of the Dallas Morning News have made illegal immigrants "Texans of the Year for 2007". I don't even know where to begin with this idiocy from the papers editorial board. But, Michelle Malkin does a good job of reminding the editors that they should stop wearing horse blinders when they look at issues like illegal immigration. Here are some of the questions Ms. Malkin has of the Dallas Morning News editorial board. They are good ones indeed:

"Question: Why is it that the human face they want us to see belongs only to the law-breaker…and not the human face of those who have to enforce the law or bear the costs of lax enforcement?"

Question: Why is the “illegal immigrant” the “Texan of the Year”–and not, say, the “Border Patrol agent?”"

"Question: Why is the “illegal immigrant” the “Texan of the Year”–and not, say, the victims of catch-and-release and failed deportation policies…like 15-year-old Dani Countryman of Kaufman, Texas–who was murdered in August by two illegal aliens with prior records who had entered the U.S. from Mexico illegally?."

Friday, January 04, 2008

Is Hillary Clinton delusional or disingenous?

I went to bed last night around 10pm here in the eastern time zone. I listened to WCBS the local radio news station in New York. There I heard Hillary Clinton give her speech where despite her third place finish she made it sound like she won the Iowa Democratic Caucus. She is either delusional or attempting to try and fool the public with a false faced sound bite. I have not heard or seen anything so disingenuous from a politician since George Bush stood before the "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner on the aircraft carrier.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Iowa butt kissing ends tonight.

I've been avoiding a lot of mainstream media hype of the Iowa caucus. Though I keep thinking about how all the butt kissing by the candidates and their spouses will end this evening and the state returns back to normal by morning. The campaign jets will have been warmed up by the time caucus begin whisking the candidates, staff and news media of to New Hampshire. I imagine the talk in many of cafes will once again turn to corn prices and spring planting. As it should.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What were they thinking?

From today's Washington Post:
"Nearly 10,000 gay and lesbian couples married after the ruling. Massachusetts does not keep records on the number who have divorced, but lawyers who specialize in family cases say it is in the dozens. Those who choose to end their marriages soon discover that the trauma of divorce is compounded by legal and financial difficulties that heterosexual couples generally are spared.:

"One of the benefits of marriage is divorce," said Joyce Kauffman, a Boston divorce lawyer who has handled a dozen same-sex divorce cases. "But for a lot of couples, that benefit is very complicated and very costly in ways that heterosexual couples would never have to experience."

File this in the "Be Careful What You Wish For" file

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of."-Benjamin Franklin