Thursday, April 20, 2006

FINALLY! Some enforcement.

This news story in the Washington Post may show that the Federal Government is finally getting the message from outraged taxpayers/voters about enforcing our immigration laws. Once companies that hire illegal immigrants are forced to confront the costs of breaking U.S. law we will have finally begun to take control of the immigration issue. Time will tell if the Federal Government is really serious about enforcing our laws but, this is a good step.
Meanwhile the illegal immigrants that there is also a price to be paid for breaking our immigration laws too. The article quotes a man whose son and brother were caught up in the sweep of illegal workers at the company:

"I really feel angry because this is an injustice," he said through a translator. "It's an injustice because one person, who come from another country, why can't you work?"

The message has to get through to the illegal immigration community you can work when you respect U.S. immigration laws. Until that message gets across and they realize there are penatlies for breaking the law we will not have control of immigration in the United States. The roundup of executives and workers will hopefully send the message: Do things legally or else pay the penatly. I say it is about time that that message was sent.

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