Friday, April 14, 2006

Krauthammer going soft on crime?

What part of the word illegal does Charles Krauthammer not understand? With statements like this:

"The principal crime involved in the immigrant crusade is the violation
of immigration laws by the illegals themselves.
To be sure, that is not a high crime. But it does not behoove one who
has stealthily stolen into another's house to then make demands about
rights -- or to march under the banner of "The National Day of Action
for Immigrant Justice."

Not a high crime Chuck? When does it become a high crime? Crossing our borders traveling thousands of miles into the interior of our country. Getting jobs and not paying taxes (including state and local) but, using local social services, hospitals and schools paid for by middle class taxpayers. The real high crime is how the Federal Government has not enforced our immigration laws on the illegals and the businesses that hire them.

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