Saturday, April 01, 2006

Howard Dean another dumb Democrat!

Howard Dean tried to paint the Immigration problem as a political ploy by the Republicans with this comment:
"In 2006 it's immigrants. That's what their strategy is on the Republican side: divide people, scapegoat them, set them aside, point the finger at them," Dean said. "Well, that may be good for the Republican Party, but it's bad for America, and we're not going to do that."

The problem has been the Republicans Howard but, it is Republicans like George Bush and John McCain who are pushing for Amnesty for illegal immigrants who have broken U.S. laws. And it is also Democrats like Ted Kennedy too! What is BAD for America Mr. Dean is the failure by Republicans and the Democrats to protect the borders of the country and ignoring the cost to middle class taxpayers who subsidize the illegal workforce with higher taxes for schools and social services. The Democrats had better start to protect the middle class and not the religious and business groups who enable the illegals to continue to break our laws while hard working middle class taxpayers continue shoulder the burden of the costs for the illegals in their communities.

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