A blog from the center trying to save the middle class from being totally screwed by the elites from both parties.
Monday, April 30, 2007
More mainstream media whitewash on illegal immigration.
"People accuse immigrants of gang violence, drunken driving and a general contempt for the law. But in 2000 the incarceration rate for immigrants was just one-fifth the rate for the population as a whole, according to Kristin Butcher of the Federal Reserve and Anne Morrison Piehl of Rutgers University."
The key word Mr. Mallaby is "incarceration" because many of the illegals who commit crimes are not caught. They have no ties to the communities. They flee to other areas or back to their home countries. Maybe he should look at the outstanding warrents for the police in Los Angeles and see who they are issued to.
"People say that immigrants burden social services while not paying taxes. Actually, undocumented immigrants are ineligible for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid; and although they do use hospital emergency rooms and schools,
Hmm, what is the biggest tax burden to middle class families Mr. Mallaby? Give up? School Taxes! Nice that you dismiss so easily this burden on middle class taxpayers. Not to mention that as families struggle to get and pay medical insurance, illegals just wander in to the nearest hospital for their medical care.
"they also pay sales taxes and payroll taxes, and one in three pays income tax."
It would be nice if the Federal Government would only require U.S. taxpayers to pay every one in three years. But, I guess it's commendable that the illegals pay sales tax on the beer the buy before they get behind the wheel of the car that is if they don't kill any more innocent Americans when they get drunk.
The net result is that immigrants cost the average native U.S. household an extra $200 in taxes each year, according to a study of 1996 data."
I would love to see the politician who votes for an amnesty bill for illegals and then goes back to his constituents and says hey it's only costing you taxpayers $200 per year to keep these illegals in your community.
I could go on about Mallaby's op-ed nonsense about the joys illegal immigrantion but, I have to go to work. Because unlike the illegals I'm not the one in three people who do not pay taxes.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Explain this President Bush
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Democrats are still not listening to the American people!
"Democratic candidates remain firmly behind legalization of most illegal aliens. Still, they are almost apologetic as they make their pitches."
Earth to Democratic candidates! You are running for office in a Republic you are supposed to listen to the people who will vote for you!
"You can be in front of a very, very rabid Democratic crowd, and there will be a lot of people in the room who do not agree with what I just said," former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina said earlier this month in a speech at the University of New Hampshire as he defended his support for legalization. "The very same people ... are strongly against the war and strongly for universal health care. So there is nowhere close to unanimity among Democrats about this issue."
"Advisers to several candidates said privately that Mr. Richardson is in a good position to attack the other candidates on their support of building more fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. "
If Bill Richardson is in the best position on illegal immigration the Dems are in trouble. He shot himself in the foot when he called for a pardon for Elvira Arellano an illegal immigrant fugitive hiding in plain sight in a Chicago church. Richardson and the other Democrats had better start to realize that the American people want our immigration laws enforced and and don't want our U.S. politicians to surrender to the Mexican governments pro-illegal immigrant lobby. If they don't show that they can stand up and represent the wishes of the majority of the American people on illegal immigration. Democrats like myself will vote for someone who does!
It's payback time for the oil companies
"The Interior Department will announce a proposal Monday to allow oil and gas drilling in federal waters near Virginia that are currently off-limits and permit new exploration in Alaska's Bristol Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, "
Nuff said!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Illegal Immigrants: Who are you?
"The fake documents, which range from driver's licenses to Social Security cards, could help criminals and even terrorists blend into society, said Elissa Brown, an official with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Investigations in Chicago."
Not to mention help them receive social services that middle class American taxpayers pay for.
"In Chicago, the operation was run mainly by Mexicans but served a range of nationalities from Polish to Nigerian authorities said."
I guess these illegals are just doing the crimes that Americans won't do.
As usual the pro-illegal activists are once again up in arms when officials like Patrick Fitzgerald and law enforcment authorties do their jobs and actually enforce U.S. law:
"Neighborhood activists said agents used excessive force, accusing authorities of wanting to intimidate the Hispanic community in the lead-up to immigration-reform marches planned for May 1."
Sorry we did not know that enforcing United States laws would upset the illegal immigrants who continue to break U.S. laws everyday. Certainly don't want to upset anymore criminals than we need too!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
McCain was done a long time ago.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Some fines are fine but, not the tears.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
BORDER: A must see movie!
Standing room only.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Travelin' South
Friday, April 20, 2007
Russell Simmons and other black hypocrites
"The meeting, called by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons' Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, was held at the New York home of Lyor Cohen, chairman and chief executive of U.S. music at Warner Music Group. The summit, which lasted several hours"
Alright! Now black leaders like Russell Simmons gonna lead the way. The black community is gonna step up to the plate and show us the the racial lynch mob that went after Don Imus is gonna clean it's own house too and go after lyrics in rap music which more black kids listen to than Don Imus. I can't wait for their statement.
"Organizers billed the gathering as a forum to "discuss issues challenging the industry in the wake of controversy surrounding hip-hop and the First Amendment." Afterward, they planned to hold a news conference at a Manhattan hotel to discuss "initiatives agreed upon at the meeting." But by early afternoon, the news conference was postponed, because the meeting was still going on."
That's ok. We are waiting right here for the statement!
"After the meeting ended, it was unclear whether there would be another one. Simmons' publicist released a short statement that described the topic as a "complex issue that involves gender, race, culture and artistic expression. Everyone assembled today takes this issue very seriously. Although no recommendations emerged, the gathering was significant for its who's-who list of powerful music executives."
WHAT! Looks like more shuck and jive from these hip hop rap moguls who wanna take guys like Don Imus down but, don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden misogynist, racist lyrics that make millions for them. Hypocrites come in all colors including black.
"Meanwhile, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who said he planned to challenge the recording industry on denigrating lyrics, announced he had suspended plans to honor Def Jam's L.A. Reid during this week's convention of his National Action Network in New York. Sharpton was among Imus' most vocal critics and demanded his firing. Several rappers under Reid's label frequently use racial and sexual epithets."
Hmmm, I guess the Imus situation finally opened Sharpton's eyes that the misogyny and racism that he went after Don Imus for actually has roots in the black rap and hip hop music industry. Or did he realize that honoring guys like rap mogul L.A. Reid might make him look like a hypocrite after going after IMUS for his remarks. YA THINK?
Looks like it's time to bring in the hanging judge. Stanley Crouch!
No more Staples for me.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
NBC News after fatally shooting IMUS, gives Hui another shot.
"The unexpected package from Cho Seung Hui that arrived at NBC News yesterday morning contained both a worldwide scoop and a journalistic dilemma."Howard Kurtz, Washington Post
Delemia indeed. After letting Hillary Clinton's political hitmen (Sharpton & Jackson) knock a Clinton critic IMUS off the air. I wonder why Cho Seung Hui would chose to send to NBC News his tapes, photos and writings? Was it because he thought so highly of NBC News or was because NBC was in the news the week before because of the disgraceful handling of the IMUS firing. There are some unanswered questions about this:
Of course, no one forced NBC to broadcast those words and pictures. Capus said network journalists debated for hours what they should make public. "There are some things we haven't shown and words we haven't released that are more appropriate to hold back," he said
Like maybe why Hui choose NBC over other the other mainstream media outlets to deliver his finally shot. Until the public gets to see the entire video and all the documents. NBC will be under a cloud of suspicion over what they released and showed on their network and MSNBC. It could be like the Imus firing NBC is not telling us the whole story.
Monday, April 16, 2007
First they came for IMUS.
The spark that unleashed the racial mob out to hang Imus came from a "liberal" watch dog group. While I think the Imus remarks were insensitive and inappropriate and an apology to the Rutgers woman along with a suspension was deserved. The execution of Imus by weak NBC/CBS management, scared sponsors and hypocritical black media elites shows that silencing of freedom of speech and hypocrisy can come from the left as well as the right. And it looks like I'm not the only Democrat who feels this way.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Isn't it Rich
"Familar as I am with the warp speed of media, I was still taken aback by the velocity of Don Imus’s fall after he uttered an indefensible racist and sexist slur about the Rutgers women’s basketball team. Even in that short span, there’s been an astounding display of hypocrisy, sanctimony and self-congratulation from nearly every side of the debate, starting with Al Sharpton, who has yet to apologize for his leading role in the Tawana Brawley case, the 1980s racial melee prompted by unproven charges much like those that soiled the Duke lacrosse players. "
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Al Roker: Lying, delusional or hypocrite.
"And by the way, for all those people who posit that the phrase is rooted in the black community, it is not. My childhood neighborhood of St. Albans, Queens, is a middle-class neighborhood. People keep their homes neat and their lawns mowed. I never heard the word "ho" in my neighborhood or in my parents' home."- Al Roker
I too never heard the word "ho" in my neighborhood or in my home when I was growing up either . But, I did and do hear it on black rap and hip hop music coming on BET, MTV and urban radio stations all over the place. Al Roker is saying he never heard the word. He is either lying or really does not pay attention to what is going on in black communities all over the country. So IMUS gets fired because he said something that yes was insensitive but it also showed he was more in tune with black culture than Al Roker.
"But just as he wants to be judged on what he does, he must also be judged on what he says and what he has said, both on and off the air."
But Roker himself is not above using race for a laugh on the Today Show. For example when he was doing a cooking segment that used artichokes. The cook mentioned that when you take off the artichoke leaves, you rub the bottoms with lemon so they don't turn black.
"You might even want to rub lemon on your hands so the black doesn't get on them either," he said.
"Well, it's a little too late for me, but..." Roker shot back"
Oh, I get it Al! You are black. Should I laugh? Or should you be fired too!
Remembering Kurt Vonnegut
"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. "-Kurt Vonnegaut
Friday, April 13, 2007
IMUS: No Justice, No Peace!
Whitehouse: "We screwed up we are trying to fix it."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
CBS executives join the weasals at MSNBC
Well the corporate weasels at CBS cut Don Imus at the knees and knuckled under like the NBC executive nitwits to those paragons of virtue Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson along with other hypocrites of the black activist community including people like Today Show weatherman Al Roker along with liberal media groups. It's a pretty sad day for America when such hypocrites and corporate weasel executives decide what and where the rest of us can hear. I think Imus will once again be able to be heard somewhere either on satellite radio or maybe Internet. But, I think CBS and NBC will begin their decline in viewers as people find out what was really behind the effort to get Imus off the air and it was not his insensitive remarks about the Rutgers woman's basketball team. It's pretty clear the current crop of executives in the mainstream corporate media have no balls and no clue either.
Niger Innis rips Robert Johnson of BET a new one!
NBC & MSNBC hate children with cancer.
But, even more egregious than the fact that NBC executives have no backbone to stand up to guys like Sharpton and Jackson is that they pulled Imus off the air at MSNBC just as he was about to raise money for the Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer and other worth while charities. pretty lame and heartless for these empty suit executives and MSNBC talent like Al Roker and Keith Obermann who helped push Imus over the cliff. They could not wait until after Imus had finished his charity fundraiser. At least they let Imus use the studio but, not the MSNBC channel to maybe raise a few more dollars for children with cancer and other disease. It's a pretty heartless group they have over their at NBC.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
NBC News & MSNBC: Folded like a cheap suit
Tomorrow Jesse Jackson and other black activist will meet with Capus and others at NBC News. I bet they will completely Mau Mau a wimpy white news executive like Capus and give Jesse Jackson or Sharpton a TV show on MSNBC. If that happens people better start selling their GE stock because there goes the audience. Knowing guys like Jackson and Sharpton they won't be happy until NBC stands for Nothing But Coloreds. NBC News has lost all credibility in firing Imus for his insensitive remarks despite his apologies. Meanwhile rap and hip hop stations continue to play lyrics and messages much more damaging to their young audiences. But, of course Sharpton and Jackson are blind to that fact.
Here is the quote of the day:
"I find it amazing that Reverend Al Sharpton has become the ethical officer for America," - Mitchell Moss of New York University.
The Imus media firestorm: Black hypocrisy and what lies beneath.
"Some have pointed out that young women are routinely and unfortunately called "hos" in some rap lyrics. "That doesn't make it any more right for anyone to say it, it doesn't matter if you are African American, Caucasian, Asian, it really doesn't matter," said Rutgers team captain Essence Carson at a news conference yesterday. "All that matters is it's wrong."-Washington Post
I wonder if the black media elites like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Washington Post columnist Eugen Robinson and the National Association of Black Journalists etc... who are so outraged over Imus remarks will take the words of Ms. Carson to heart and go after BET (Black Entertainment Television), MTV and the rap and hip hop recording industry who promote artist and entertainers who compose songs with much more racist lyrics and images. If they don't it will show the hypocrisy of what Bill Maher calls the "manufactured outraged" against Don Imus. Don't hold your breath while you wait for all these same racial ambulance chasers going after Don Imus to go after the rap music industry for their use of even worse words and images. You can almost smell the hypocrisy coming from the positions of these black media elites.
But, why all this overblown "outrage" over the Imus remarks? Underneath all the media firestorm hidden in the remarks of people like Jesse Jackson may lie the real reason for the this media firestorm concerning Don Imus. It is political.
Don Imus usually uses his acerbic humor to go after the powerful that includes going after people from President Bush, Dick Cheney to Hillary Clinton. And there may lie the real reason for the media lynching of Don Imus. Both Sharpton and Jackson are Democratic partisans. Imus has often said that he would not have Hillary Clinton on as a guest on his influential program. Jackson appeared on Lou Dobs on Monday and here is the smoking gun money quote:
"JACKSON: He's not irreverent toward Joe Lieberman. He's not irreverent towards Harold Ford. He irreverent towards those he chooses to call out. But the idea of this pattern, the statements about. And even today he said he didn't want Hillary Clinton on his show. A political statement, you know. It's a very political show."- Jesse Jackson on Lou Dobbs
So that's what this is really all about. Democratic partisans like Jackson and Sharpton among others are going after Don Imus not so much because of his insensitive stupid remarks about the Rutgers Woman's basketball team. But rather being Democratic partisans and long time friends of Hillary and Bill Clinton they are trying to also eliminate or take down someone in the media who has derided Clinton in order to earn some points with the Democratic party and Hilliary Clinton in particular. More to follow....
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Bush on Immigration. Be careful what you wish for.
But, the 800 pound Gorilla standing behind Bush at the podium was a report released last week by the the Heritage Foundationon on the fiscal impacts of low skilled workers like most of the illegal immigrants are. In the study, researchers found that low skilled workers, defined as those without a high school diploma, will cost the United States $3.9 trillion over the ten years.
As usual it will be middle class taxpayers who will be opening their wallets to pay these costs.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Imus and the Jesse Jackson shakedown.
It seems that not only Don Imus is under attack but, also in a way free speech is under attack. What we need is to have Lenny Bruce come back from the grave with a big can of wup ass. If Imus goes so goes a little bit of freedom for us all. If you don't like IMUS don't listen to him. Just like I would do if MSNBC or CBS replaced him with someone like Jesse Jackson.
60 Minutes and nuclear bombs in our backyard
"I was responsible for surveillance needed to hit nuclear power plants that generate electricity in several U.S. states."- testimony of Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed March 10, 2007
They even ignored this memo here is the money quote:
"FBI headquarters has provided the following information to all field offices. During debriefings of an al Qaeda senior operative, he stated there would (be) a second airline attack in the U.S. The attack was already planned and three individuals were on the ground in the U.S. The attack was already planned and three individuals were on the ground in the states recruiting non-Arabs to take part in the attack. The plan is to fly a commercial aircraft into a nuclear power plant to be chosen by the team on the ground. "
It seems in the rush to promote the "virtues" of nuclear power 60 minutes forgot to mention that they are looked at as bombs in our backyard by the terrorists.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Holding their feet to the fire. Washington D.C. April 22-25
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Illegal immigrants are upset? So are American taxpayers!
"The White House's draft plan, leaked last week, calls for a new "Z" visa that would allow illegal immigrant workers to apply for three-year work permits. They would be renewable indefinitely, but would cost $3,500 each time.To get a permit and become legal permanent residents, illegal immigrants would have to return to their home country, apply at a U.S. embassy or consulate to re-enter legally and pay a $10,000 fine. "- Washington Post
Hmmm, the illegals who cross our border have no problem paying coyotes $5,000 to help them illegally cross our borders. But, scream when they have to pay $3,500 to be allowed to legally work here for three years. And if they want to become an upstanding citizen of this country they need to pay a fine of $10,000 which won't even cover the costs that U.S. taxpayers have laid out to support their illegal stay in the United States. I'd say that is pretty ungrateful of them.
The delusion of John McCain
John McCain is done! Only the talking head Washington pundents, mainstream media and John McCain don't know it yet. It's not that he is standing behind blundering boy Bush on the Iraq debacle. He also lost his conservative base when he started tongue kissing with Ted Kennedy on amnesty for illegal immigrants. Something the mainstream media has been ignoring until recently. It's sad because I think John McCain would have made a good President had he defeated George Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries. But, between his stand on Iraq and his stand on illegal immigration amnesty he has become delusional and out of touch with the country as much as George W. Bush has been.
Friday, April 06, 2007
We don't need to send you no stinking papers!
Very interesting that Gonzales and the Justice Department are refusing to turn over documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee investigators. It's no surprise since the documents already turned over show clearly how the Federal Government has FAILED the American people on issues like illegal immigration. If you ever wonder how hundreds of illegal immigrants can be lining the streets of your town. You need to look no further than the some of the documents already released by the Justice Department. As this Associated Press report states:
"Guidelines issued by U.S. attorneys in Texas showed that most illegal immigrants crossing into the state had to be arrested at least six times before federal authorities would prosecute them, according to an internal Justice Department memo."
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Another immigration crisis in the Hamptons?
But this year, federal officials surprised the company when they denied temporary visas for the workers." -Newsday
Hmmm, President George Bush wants a guest worker program as part of "comprehensive immigration reform" legislation. Then all of a sudden the Department of Labor puts the squeeze on a temporary visa program that has been working for years providing temporary labor for the hotels and resorts of the east end of Long Island. Something smells fishy especially since immigration reform is hot in Washington this year.
Here are the money quotes:
"I have never seen a bigger disaster than the Department of Labor has created this year," said Libby Whitley, president of Mid-Atlantic Solutions, a Virginia-based agency that handles the petitioning process for employers in several states, including New York."
So it looks the Bush administration deliberately created a crisis so that Bush and the pro-illegal amnesty groups including the gang of four and others could push through an immigration plan geared to their interests of businesses and pro-amnesty groups not those of the American people and U.S. border security.
"If we don't get them, I don't know what we would do," said Carolina Swanson, director of human resources for the company, which manages 16 resort and residential properties on the South Fork. "I really don't have a Plan B."
How about this for a plan B. Raise the salary you are offering so that it will be attractive to local citizens, High School and college students. I love it when businesses preach about the law of supply and demand when they raise their prices but, scream when it effects them.
"On Monday at 9 a.m., [Congressman Tim] Bishop and local officials will hold a public meeting with business owners at Gurney's Inn in Montauk to discuss solutions."
This fits in nicely with Congressman Tim Bishop's agenda which is in agreement with President Bush in regards to an amnesty for illegal immigrants already in the country meanwhile he voted against legislation that would have increased security at the borders and cracked down on illegal immigrants already in the country . Funny how quickly Congressman Bishop calls a meeting with business owners on Monday at 9 a.m. But, has ignored the concerns of his constituents for years about the hundreds of illegal immigrants loitering around in middle class communities all over his district on Long Island.
It certainly looks like this "visa crisis" was manufactured by those in Washington from President Bush to Congressman Bishop to give them cover to push through an immigration reform plan that helps businesses that want cheap disposable labor while ignoring the concerns of the middle class taxpayers who will be subsidizing this workforce. They must think we are fools.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Illegals, Fugitives and more Federal Government failures!
Hmmm, I know of one fugitive who is hiding in plain sight in Chicago. Her name is Elvira Arellano. Or did the Homeland Security lose track of her too!