Sunday, April 30, 2006

Catholic church preaches the politics of immigration!

I could not believe it! There was my girlfriend on the phone outraged at the homily she heard at church regarding illegal immigration. let me explain something about my girlfriend. Since she retired she has gone to school and gotten acredited to teach ESOL (English as a Second Language). She teaches at a local college two nights a week and even voluteers at a church here in DC teaching ESOL one night a week to immigrants. So her view of illegal immigrants and mine are some what at odds in some of the debate. That is why it was interesting to hear her outrage at the priest in the Catholic church using the pulpit to present a one sided arguement to allow amnesty for illegal immigrants. She goes to church every week for solice (and to pray for my imortal soul) but, this week she was outraged at the priest using the pulpit to push for illegal immigrant amnesty. She was so outraged she said she might even write a letter.
Meanwhile in todays Washington Post is an article that is eye opening regarding the cost of immigration on middle class taxpayers. The article looks at an immigrant he is legal but, does not mention any thing about his girlfriend with whom he has a child and two more from a previous marraige he makes $30,000 a year working in a restaurant his girfriend $18,000. The local school district pays over $32,000 to educate his two school age children and will no doubt pay wfor the third. He sends $1,200 back to his home country, spends $7,800 on groceries and $1,680 on cable and of course they don't have insurance so if anyone in the family gets sick guess who will pay for that! Hola! American sucker taxpayers!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Boycott Tyson, Cargill, Hormell & Seaboard foods.

It seems some meatpacking companies have no scruples. On Monday May 1st several companies are going to allow their mostly immigrant workers the day off so they can attend pro illegal immigration rallies to pressure the Congress of the United States to grant amnesty to the illegal immigrants some of which have hired by these companies to work in their plants.
These corporations Seaboard, Cargill, Hormel and Tyson need to be made to understand that we tax paying citizens will not tolerate their support of illegal immigration and the burden they place on middle class taxpayers.
What better way to send them the message than to deny them our hard earned dollars and boycott their products. Even better make a few phone calls on Monday May 1st and let them know that as a U.S. taxpayer you don't appreciate them trying make middle class taxpayers subsidize their workforce and ignore the immigration laws of the United States.
Call Seaboard at 1-800-262-7907, Cargill at 1-800-CARGILL (227-4455), Hormel at (507) 437-5611 and Tyson at (479) 290-4000 on Monday May 1st to let them you are boycotting them for supporting illegal immigration.

Something smells at the Smithsonian!

There is a stench coming out of the Smithsonian Institution. It concerns a deal that Smithsonian Secretary Lawrence Small made with Showtime Networks regarding the use of the Smithsonian Archives. It seems Small negotiated a deal that would allowed Showtime Networks access to the Smithsonian Archives without consulting Congress. When asked about the deal Mr. Small defends the agreement and also said the contract has a "confidentiality agreement". So it seems the public can not find out what is really in the agreement Now something really smells at the Smithsonian!
Even though the Smithsonian gets 70% of it's fund from U.S. taxpayers this agreement will create a "Smithsonian on Demand" that will only be available to those people who have Digital Cable everyone else is SOL. Meanwhile Historians and Documentary filmmakers may be denied the use of the Archives and it's materials because of the Showtime agreement. So if you are the multimillion dollar Showtime Networks you've got access if you are an independent filmmaker or Historian working on your own with your own money you may have the door to the archives shut in your face.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Another reFINEery mess you've got us into Oily!

From today's Washington Post:
"Bush renewed his call for Congress to give him the authority to "raise" mileage standards for all passenger cars. White House officials said later, however, that they didn't know when or how the president would use that authority."

The last thing that congress should do is give Bozo Bush more authority. He has proven over the years to just be one dumb sonofabitch and finally most of the country realizes it a little too late.

Meanwhile, Charles Krauthammer tries to explain the supply and demand excuse but, of course ignores the fact that to the oil companies supply and demand means that they control the supply and can demand whatever they want and so the industry has blocked attempts to reopen refineries because it would mean more supply and more pressure to keep prices and there profits down.

Then of course there were the warnings ignored by the Congress and the Bush administration about what is happening today and it came form OPEC'S Opec President Ahmad Fahd Al Sabah who said last June that Opec members want oil consuming countries to build more refineries
after warning that the cartel cannot contain prices or correct a shortage of finished petroleum products. Congress and Bush did not listen then and that's why they are getting an earful from angry constiuents today.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Nuclear Power and terrorism made for each other!

There has been some buzz recently about Nuclear Power. From the founder of Greenpeace to of course the Nuclear Power flacks trying to make it seem like it is "clean" energy. But, the proponents of Nuclear Power don't want you to read a certain Nuclear Regulatory Commission memo or think about the subsidies that the industry receives. But, you can read all about it here.

Snow and Bush? Whose your President?

So George Bush has picked a conservative Fox News commentator (I'll be Darned!) as the new White House spokesperson. What really struck me at yesterday's press confrence was how presidential Tony Snow looked when standing next to George Bush. Take a look at the photo or the video at the Washington Post site and see for yourself. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part but, I feel more confident when Snow is at a podium than when Bush is.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Oily George Bush.

President Bush gave his own "I feel your pain" speech yesterday speech about high gas prices. But, of course it was all crocodile tears as usual. He is not going to do anything that is going to upset his oil buddy cronies.
The hypocrisy of Bush is also evident. Two years ago when John Kerry proposed suspending filling the Strategic Oil petroleum reserve and then Bush said, "We will not play politics with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve," which he emphasized is solely for "major disruptions of energy supplies. Yeah right! But, that's just what he did yesterday.
Of course he did not mention his and the Republican congress's complicity in passing the back room deals made by Dick Cheney in regards to the recently passed energy bill.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dumb and dumber Democrats!

Lately it seems I am getting more pissed off at the Democrats than the Republicans at least when it comes to illegal immigration. The latest dumb quote comes from an article in today's Washington Post which quotes Alvaro Cifuentes head of the Democratic Hispanic Caucus saying:

"We believe that any immigrant _ any immigrant _ residing in this nation has a right _ a right _ to have access to the process allowing U.S. citizenship. No ifs. No buts,"

It is this type reasoning that drives me nuts and may cause the Democrats votes in this years election. This is like saying a burglar has the right to take anything in your home once he has broken into it. It's just utter nonsense and the Democratic party had better understand that middle class taxpayers/voters will support immigrants who come to this country legally. But, what they won't support is rewarding illegal immigrants with amnesty and citizenship no matter how many demonstrations the the pro-illegal immigrant forces organize.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Gas prices whose to blame? The usual suspects.

The Washington Post has the usual crocodile tear excuses from the oil companies and of course a media PR job will no doubt be increased by the oil companies to say it's not their fault. It was only a month ago that where were increased stocks of supply. So how is we are facing three dollar plus a gallon gas this month? What does everyone expect with the two oil men in the White House. The oil companies know that they have the next two and a half years to soak the public and increase their profits. So I doubt much will change until Bush is out of the White House or congress changes.
Though I rarely listen to or believe Pat Robertson and his crazy Christian pronoucments he did say one thing that did come true. That was in 2001 when he was denied the ability to open up a closed refinery in California he said because of that we in the U.S. would be facing three dollar a gallon gas. He was right. Again the usual suspects are those who control the supply and therefore the price that the American public pays.
Then of course there was the gift that the Republicans gave away to the oil companies with the passage of the Energy Bill cooked up in the back room by Dick Cheney and his Oil cronies. Meanwhile in Houston they are dancing all the way to the bank and the rest of America is crying at the pump.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

FINALLY! Some enforcement.

This news story in the Washington Post may show that the Federal Government is finally getting the message from outraged taxpayers/voters about enforcing our immigration laws. Once companies that hire illegal immigrants are forced to confront the costs of breaking U.S. law we will have finally begun to take control of the immigration issue. Time will tell if the Federal Government is really serious about enforcing our laws but, this is a good step.
Meanwhile the illegal immigrants that there is also a price to be paid for breaking our immigration laws too. The article quotes a man whose son and brother were caught up in the sweep of illegal workers at the company:

"I really feel angry because this is an injustice," he said through a translator. "It's an injustice because one person, who come from another country, why can't you work?"

The message has to get through to the illegal immigration community you can work when you respect U.S. immigration laws. Until that message gets across and they realize there are penatlies for breaking the law we will not have control of immigration in the United States. The roundup of executives and workers will hopefully send the message: Do things legally or else pay the penatly. I say it is about time that that message was sent.

Assimilation my ass!

There was a fairly balanced op-ed piece in today's Washington Post by Robert J. Samuelson. In it he mentions the fact that the illegal immigrants use more social services and that the local governments (i.e. local taxpayers) are paying for these costs not the Federal Government who are the ones who failed to keep the illegals out of the country in the first place.
At the end of the article Mr. Samuelson says this:

"Immigration slowly halted during and after World War I. The Italians and Poles came mainly between 1890 and 1915. Older immigrants didn't always have to compete with newcomers who beat down their wages. There was time for outsiders and insiders to adapt to each other. We should heed history's lesson."

The lesson of history Mr. Samuelson is that in the period between 1890 and 1915 Immigration was controlled and enforced. That is not the case today. Ellis Island was not built because the Federal Government had nothing else to do with the money. It was built to control immigration something that is not happening today.
As far as assimilation goes. I got your assimilation right here! I have Cablevision's basic cable TV package at my house. Cablevision changed the line up of channels a few years ago. They took off the one C-Span channel they carried but, I now have four Spanish language channels. There was no cable TV back in the early 1900's in fact there was no TV at all. So immigrants were forced to interact and communicate in the general language of the community which was English. Thanks to modern media there is no need for today's immigrants to adapt today as they did in the past.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Scott McClellan resigns!

Whitehouse Spokesman McClellan resigned today.

President Bush said McClellan had "a challenging assignment."

Yeah, It's challenging defending liars, crooks and thieves.
I have always kind of liked McClellan I think I'd rather have beer with him over Bush. But, he always kind of reminded me of Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners. I always expected him to start saying "a humina, humina, humina" after some of the grilling questions from the Washington Press corp (once they finally got some backbone) and starting asking some tough questions of bumbling Bush's policies and actions. McClellan was not a bad guy but, his unfortunately his job was trying to defend some of the bad policies and ideas of the Bush Administration.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Waldo Benavidez mi amigo!

As a registered Democrat sometimes after listening to the pandering by the Democratic elites in Washington to the pro immigration groups you wonder if I am the only one who is outraged at how the Dems seem willing to sell out the middle class in exchange for hispanic votes. Then comes this article in the New York Times about Waldo Benavidez. I read it it and felt I could almost replace his name with mine.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hola suckers! Pay your taxes!

As you have until Monday before your taxes are due to the IRS. Here is a reminder of what some of those taxes are going to. Even a liberal economist like Paul Krugman of the New York Times has to admit contrary to what the Pro immigration groups want us to believe that there is a drain on the U.S. taxpayer with statments like this:

"Unfortunately, low-skill immigrants don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of the benefits they receive."

And from today's Washington Post comes this little nugget of truth buried at the back of the article:

"In states such as New Jersey and California, with high proportions of immigrants and relatively generous social services, immigrants pay less in taxes than they use in government services such as public schools, the NRC study found.

So Hola suckers! Have fun writing those checks which will get bigger after Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to the illegals who are in our country now.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Democrats face an uphill battle. I wonder why?

This article in the Washington Post points out how the Democrats may face an uphill battle to retake Congress. I know one incumbent democratic congressman on Long Island named Tim Bishop who is not going to get this democrats vote unless he stops screwing middle class taxpayers like myself and pandering to the illegal immigrant, church and business groups who are pushing for amnesty for illegals immigrants who have broken our laws and drain the pockets of middle class taxpayers who pay for the services they use through local and state taxes. Just because we were working and are not out demonstrating in the streets like the illegal immigrants does not mean we are not pissed and we will show how pissed we are come Novemeber.

Krauthammer going soft on crime?

What part of the word illegal does Charles Krauthammer not understand? With statements like this:

"The principal crime involved in the immigrant crusade is the violation
of immigration laws by the illegals themselves.
To be sure, that is not a high crime. But it does not behoove one who
has stealthily stolen into another's house to then make demands about
rights -- or to march under the banner of "The National Day of Action
for Immigrant Justice."

Not a high crime Chuck? When does it become a high crime? Crossing our borders traveling thousands of miles into the interior of our country. Getting jobs and not paying taxes (including state and local) but, using local social services, hospitals and schools paid for by middle class taxpayers. The real high crime is how the Federal Government has not enforced our immigration laws on the illegals and the businesses that hire them.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Republicans are right! Democrats are in denial.

As a life long Democrat I have to admit the the Republican House bill is more to what the U.S. voters want in terms of handling immigration. Tougher border security and REAL enforcement of our immigration laws are what the majority of taxpayers want from Congress. The article in yesterday's Washington Post is so off the mark that if the Republicans cave in they will really be defeated. I think it is the Democrats who will feel the wrath of the voters this November if they continue to try and please the pro illegal immigrant forces against the wishes of the middle class taxpayers who subsidize illegal immigrants so businesses can have cheap labor and the Catholic church can have more butts in their pews. It is the Democrats that are in peril of losing any chance of taking the house. What the Democrats need to remember is the while limousine liberals like Ted Kennedy were speaking and pandering to the crowds of illegal immigrants in Washington the real Democrats were at work trying to make enough money to make ends meet. The Democrats seems to have forgotten who they are supposed to represent and it may be the middle class voters who remind them at the polls in November.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Immigration rally and the middle class reality.

Hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants will hold a rally on the Washington Mall and other cities today while millions of middle class citizens will head off to work to make money to pay their taxes to the Federal, State and Local governments. Which provide schooling, social services to the illegals who will be demonstrating at the Washington Mall. Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security will look the other way as busloads of illegal immigrants will be dropped off in the nations capitol and they will see nothing and do nothing about enforcing the U.S. immigration laws as the thousands of illegals gather in the mall. Meanwhile the middle class taxpayer will be heading home from the jobs where they make money to pay their taxes to the Federal, State and Local governments. Which provide schooling, social services to the illegals who will be demonstrating at the Washington Mall.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

John McCain is delusional!

This is how Sen. John McCain(R-Ariz.) described the sidetracked Senate Immigration Bill, "compared with the status quo, it's nirvana."

Let me get this straight Senator McCain because of the failure of the Federal Government to enforce our immigration laws you and Senator Kennedy will reward people who have broken our laws with paths to citizennship and the longer they have violated our laws the more reward they get. You call that "Nirvana" you are truly delusional Senator McCain.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Immigration Bill deal for who?

The headlines in the Washington Post today was "Immigration Deal Fails In Senate" The question is deal for who? Certainly not the middle class tax payers of the United States who help to subsidize the illegal workforce through higher local taxes for schools and social services. Maybe it was a deal for the Immigration Lawyers who would be defending the illegals as they will be rewarded with citizenship after violating our immigration laws. Maybe it was a deal for the business lobby that wants to have a cheap labor force at the expense of middle class taxpayers and workers. The main provision of this "deal" was the message to the illegal community was that the longer you violated U.S. immigration law the better you are rewarded. That is just an insane policy! Let's hope the Senate finally get that message!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Senators may sell out America's middle class today

In the "compromise" worked out with Democrats the Republicans look like they are about to sell out the Americas middle class taxpayers and voters. What disgraceful act by the pols in Washington who will be rewarding the illegal behavior of immigrants who have violated our immigration laws with amnesty and a green card. Rather than face up to the failures of Washington to protect our borders they have decided to sweep the problem under the rug and put it on the back of middle class taxpayers who will contiue to subsidize the workers and families with higher school taxes and social services expenses. The Democrats have completely sold out America's middle class and the Republicans sold out to their business interests who want cheap labor. It's a sad day for the United States when our political leaders sell out the voters who elected them.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Dear Mr. Chertoff:
There are planned demonstrations that are to occur on Monday in cities like Washington DC and other locations. At this demonstration there will be a large number of illegal immigrants demonstrating. The Washington Post reports: "Jaime Contreras, president of the National Capital Immigrant Coalition, predicted that Monday's demonstration at the Washington Monument would draw 100,000 people and that nationally the turnout, in more than 60 cities, would number "in the millions."
Since you are head of the Department that is in charge of Border Security and Enforcement it would be a good place to start to enforce our immigration law. Thiese demonstration would be a good place to roundup immigrants that are in this country illegally and should be deported as our immigration laws require. This is called law enforcement which is something that your department is required to do. I as an American citizen have sometimes been stopped by Police at DUI checkpoints and been asked questions and been required to show identification. So it would not be out of line for Homeland Security to set up such a checkpoint at the demonstration on Monday and deport those that are found to have violated our immigration laws.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh Happy Delay!

Oh happy Delay! Though he was not dragged out of the Capitol in handcuffs in Bush's Washington when one door closes another one opens. Though one question remains: Is Tom Delay still smiling?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Exxon Mobil beats Walmart

"Skyrocketing energy prices propelled Exxon Mobil Corp. to the top of the 2006 Fortune 500 list, and consigned Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to the No. 2 spot on the magazine's annual ranking of the nation's largest publicly traded companies." - Washington Post

Hmmm? How does this happen with two Republican Oil men in the White House and Iraq liberated allowing the oil to flow from that region? Gas is once again heading to three dollars a gallon and as usual the middle class worker has lost some earning power with every commute into work. Well, at least I still have my Oil Well to help with heating my house for another month or so and bring down some of my energy bill.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Bush kisses the Hispanic vote but, kicks the middle class.

Andrew Sullivan has a look at what George Bush's real goal in pushing for illegal immigrant amnesty is all about in this article and it has nothing to do with the wishes America's middle class taxpayers/voters.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

NYC Mayor Bloomberg says it's ok for illegals to break laws

Republican New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says it's ok for illegals to continue to break the law. He also supports amnesty for the illegals in this country even though it "may very well be rewarding lawbreaking.''
He says that the illegals don't use that much services from the city so that they are a plus for the economy. Though other reports show a different story.
How nice for Mayor Bloomberg to say it's ok to reward illegals for breaking U.S. laws. I worked in New York City for twenty years and paid a New York City tax that was deducted from my paycheck every week. I did not live in New York I commuted from Long Island. I did not use any City services but, I paid that City Tax every week. What a sucker I was. I should have not paid any of those City taxes and then I too could have been rewarded for breaking the law as New York City's Mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to do for the illegals.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Howard Dean another dumb Democrat!

Howard Dean tried to paint the Immigration problem as a political ploy by the Republicans with this comment:
"In 2006 it's immigrants. That's what their strategy is on the Republican side: divide people, scapegoat them, set them aside, point the finger at them," Dean said. "Well, that may be good for the Republican Party, but it's bad for America, and we're not going to do that."

The problem has been the Republicans Howard but, it is Republicans like George Bush and John McCain who are pushing for Amnesty for illegal immigrants who have broken U.S. laws. And it is also Democrats like Ted Kennedy too! What is BAD for America Mr. Dean is the failure by Republicans and the Democrats to protect the borders of the country and ignoring the cost to middle class taxpayers who subsidize the illegal workforce with higher taxes for schools and social services. The Democrats had better start to protect the middle class and not the religious and business groups who enable the illegals to continue to break our laws while hard working middle class taxpayers continue shoulder the burden of the costs for the illegals in their communities.